

siParadigm is accredited by CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) and certified by CAP (College of American Pathologists). We also hold required licensure in the states as listed below.

To request a copy of licensure, please feel free to contact us at 1-888-599-LABS (5227), email us at

  • NPI: 1891909941
  • NJ Medicare Number (PTAN): 085050

"While we have many laboratories to choose from, we consider siParadigm to be the most reliable. Contact with a hematopatholgist is rapid and informative."

Barry Kaplan, MD, PhD
Oncologist/Hematologist, Queens Medical Assoc.

Discover more.

A Model Experience

With core values rooted in service and integrity, our leadership team sets the bar high.

We consistently strive to set the model for exactly how a reference laboratory should engage with both physicians and patients.

Accredited and Certified

siParadigm is accredited by CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) and certified by CAP (College of American Pathologists).

We also hold select state licensure where required.