Specimen Requirements

Specimen Preparation

All laboratory quality begins at the point of specimen collection and relies on timely procurement and adequate sample volumes. Specific sample requirements for our tests are listed below. For your convenience, a downloadable PDF is available as well.

Ship specimens to:

25 Riverside Drive Ste. 2
Pine Brook, NJ 07058


Thorough completion of the siParadigm requisition ensures that calls to your office for information are minimized and patient protected health information (PHI) is only required to be transmitted once.

The requisition must contain the following:

  • Patient Name
  • Patient Gender
  • Patient Date of Birth (DOB) and/or age
  • Patient Address
  • Ordering Physician
  • Type of specimen(s)
  • Date and time Specimen(s) were collected
  • Test(s) Requested
  • Pertinent patient insurance information (copy of insurance card may be attached)
  • Pertinent patient clinical history, indications for study, and/or CBC results (patient face sheet may be attached)
  • ICD-10 Code(s)

Specimen Labelling

All specimens must be clearly identified using two (2) unique patient identifiers and have an accompanying test requisition (paper or electronic).

  • Patient Name (last name, first name or initial)
  • Date of Birth (DOB) (month/date/year)
  • Barcode Label - may be used if the barcode matches the unique identifiers on the accompanying requisition.

Specimen Rejection Criteria

Samples should be placed in a double leak proof sealed “biohazard” bag as provided by siParadigm and MUST BE used in addition to placement of the specimen in the siParadigm cardboard shipper. Please do not write or place any patient identifying information on the exterior of the shipper.

  • Specimen submitted in the incorrect tube type
  • Specimen received after the instability date
  • Hemolyzed specimen
  • Frozen specimen
  • Insufficient cell count
  • Insufficient tumor content
  • Bacterial overgrowth
  • Unlabeled specimen
  • Specimen submitted with an incomplete requisition form
  • Specimen left unfixed or not refrigerated for an extended period of time

If a specimen is rejected, the authorized ordering provider will be notified immediately by siParadigm.

Specimen Requirements

Bone Marrow Core 1-2cm in length 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF) Room Temperature Indefinitely
  • Saturate core completely with fixative.
  • Ensure vial is tightly capped to prevent formalin fume contamination of smears.
Bone Marrow Clot 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF) Room Temperature Indefinitely
  • Saturate core completely with fixative.
  • Ensure vial is tightly capped to prevent formalin fume contamination of smears.
Bone Marrow Aspirate Slides Five (5) unstained, unfixed aspirate smears Plastic Slide Holder Room Temperature Indefinitely
  • Ensure at least one spicule on each slide and feathered edges.*
  • Allow slides to air-dry completely before placing in plastic slide holder.
Histology (General H&E Stains) Fresh Tissue Primarily tumor tissue 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF) Room Temperature Indefinitely
  • Saturate tissue completely with fixative.
  • Label with patient name, DOB, and collection date.
FFPE Tissue FFPE Cassette Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Unstained Slides Five (5) unstained, formalin-fixed slides Plastic slide holder Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Histology (IHC and Special Stains) Fresh Tissue Primarily tumor tissue 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF) Room Temperature Indefinitely
  • Saturate tissue completely with fixative.
  • Label with patient name, DOB, and collection date.
FFPE Tissue FFPE Cassette Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Unstained Slides Two (2) unstained, formalin-fixed slides Plastic slide holder Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Histology - Breast Panel FFPE Tissue Block FFPE Cassette Room Temperature Indefinitely
  • Include fixation time and cold ischemic time on requisition.
  • Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Unstained Slides Ten (10) unstained, formalin-fixed slides Plastic slide holder Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Histology -Lymphoma, Myeloma and Neuroendocrine Panels FFPE Tissue Block FFPE Cassette Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Unstained Slides Ten (10) unstained, formalin-fixed slides Plastic slide holder Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Flow Cytometry Bone Marrow Aspirate 1-2ml Green top (sodium heparin) tube preferred, OR purple top (EDTA) tube Room Temperature 48 Hours Hemolyzed, frozen or clotted samples may be rejected.
Peripheral Blood 2-5ml Green top (sodium heparin) tube preferred, OR purple top (EDTA) tube Room Temperature 48 Hours
Fresh Tissue 1cm3 marble-sized piece of tissue RPMI or sterile saline Refrigerated 24 hour
  • Immerse tissue completely in chosen solution.
  • Label with patient name, DOB, and collection date.
  • DO NOT use RPMI past expiration date.
  • Ship on cold pack.
Fluid 10ml RPMI Refrigerated 24 Hours
  • Label with patient name, DOB, and collection date.
  • DO NOT use RPMI past expiration date.
  • Ship on cold pack.
Flow Cytometry - PNH Peripheral Blood 2-3ml Green top (sodium heparin) tube preferred, OR purple top (EDTA) tube Room Temperature 48 Hours


Bone Marrow & Peripheral Blood 1~2ml Green top (Sodium Heparin) tube OR Lavender top (EDTA) tube, Smears or Cytospin Room Temperature 120 Hours DO NOT FREEZE
Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue (FFPET) Block FFPE Cassette Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Unstained, formalin-fixed slides. One (1) slide per FISH probe and one (1) additional for Pathological evaluation. Plastic slide holder Room Temperature Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.


Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue (FFPET) Block FFPE Cassette Room Temperature Include cold pack in extreme heat. Indefinitely Specimens subject to HER2 (ERBB2) testing should be fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for at least six hours and up to 72 hours. The volume of formalin should be at least 10 times the volume of the specimen. Decalcification solutions with strong acids should not be used. Specimens should be immersed in fixative within one hour of the biopsy or resection. Include cold ischemic time and fixation time on requisition.
Unstained, formalin-fixed slides. Two (2) slides for FISH testing and one (1) additional for pathological evaluation. Plastic slide holder Room Temperature Include cold pack in extreme heat. Indefinitely Include cold pack in extreme heat.
Bone Marrow (peripheral blood will be accepted in certain disease as CLL or if circulating blood containing more than 10% blasts) Bone Marrow is ≥1.5 mL and the Peripheral blood is ≥2 mL if 10% or more blasts are present Green top (Sodium Heparin) Room Temperature 72 Hours No Frozen, Hemolyzed, Washed, in Syringes, in broken container or in different anti-coagulant other than sodium heparin.
Voided Urine Minimum of 33cc of urine Urine Collection Kit If Urine is not shipped immediately after collection, refrigerate immediately and ship via overnight courier within 24 hours. The preferred storage and shipping conditions are on ice packs, but specimens may be stored and shipped at temperatures up to 25°C Must be processed within 48 hours of collection. Follow Urine Collection Kit Instructions

"My expectations are constantly exceeded by the turnaround time, personalized service, and collaborative approach to reach the correct diagnosis."

Desiree A. Carlson, MD
Chief of Pathology, Signature Healthcare

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A Model Experience

With core values rooted in service and integrity, our leadership team sets the bar high.

We consistently strive to set the model for exactly how a reference laboratory should engage with both physicians and patients.

Accredited and Certified

siParadigm is accredited by CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) and certified by CAP (College of American Pathologists).

We also hold select state licensure where required.